M3U8 segmenter is an Apple HTTP Live Segmenter. It takes an MPEG-TS stream from a tool like ffmpeg and breaks it up into multiple ts-segments suitable for HTTP Live streaming from devices like iPhones. It also creates the M3U8 stream descriptor which is required for this type of stream.
On Ubuntu/Debian
apt-get install m3u8-segmenter
Note: m3u8-segmenter hasn’t quite made it’s way into Debian/Ubuntu yet. Until then you will need to add the PPA first. You can do this by doing the following first.
apt-add-repository ppa:johnf-inodes/m3u8-segmenter
aptitude update
See the instructions in the README for details on how to install from source.
m3u8-segmenter has only been tested on Linux distributions, however it should work on any platform that is supported by libav/ffmpeg.
How does it work? Check the README.
Having problems? Report a bug.
Wanna help out? Download the source.
M3U8 Sgmenter GPL Licensed.